🪄Issuance example

Witness now, as we unravel the esoteric process of crafting the hash for the issuance of $RUSH tokens, an endeavor steeped in numerical intricacy and cryptographic alchemy.

Step 1: Initiating the Genesis Parameters

Our odyssey commences with the elucidation of the genesis parameters, wherein our noble quest is to bestow upon the digital realm a total supply of 18,000,000 $RUSH tokens, a numerical bounty laden with cryptographic significance and arcane potency.

Step 2: Crafting the Tuple of Power

With meticulous precision, we forge the foundational tuple [0, 1, 18000000], a triumvirate of integers that encapsulates the essence of our token issuance. Here, the first integer signifies the transaction type, the second denotes the output index, and the third manifests as the quantity of tokens to be issued.

Step 3: Invocation of Prefix Varints

Venturing into the cryptic domain of encoding, we invoke the mystical rites of the Bitcoin-style prefix varints, where the number of leading ones in a varint dictates its length in bytes. Through these arcane incantations, each integer within the tuple is ensconced in the ethereal shroud of cryptographic encoding.

Step 4: Unveiling the Inception Glyph of the Protocol Codex

The initial incantation materializes as the encoded tuple [0, 1, 18000000], a glyph of power that heralds the genesis of our token issuance, its numerical resonance reverberating through the annals of cryptographic lore.

Step 5: Encoding the SYMBOL and DECIMALS

With mathematical precision, we transmute the symbolic essence of $RUSH into its numerical embodiment, employing the cryptic formulae of base-26 encoding and numerical representation. The SYMBOL is encoded as 2099999997619067, while the DECIMALS take form as the integer 18, each imbued with its own numerical sigil.

Step 6: Inscribing the Second Glyph of the Protocol Codex

The second enigmatic inscription emerges as the encoded SYMBOL and DECIMALS, their numerical resonance interwoven within the fabric of our cryptographic tapestry, each digit a testament to the arcane craftsmanship of encoding.

Step 7: Conjuring the Protocol Codex

With all glyphs meticulously inscribed, we invoke the sacred incantations of hash formation, birthing forth the Protocol Codex adorned with the mystical sigils OP_RETURN 52 and the length of our message, a numerical testament to the complexity and potency of our cryptographic endeavor.

Thus, through the intricate interplay of numerical incantations and cryptographic formulae, the hash OP_RETURN 52 0001fe406f4001 ffdbf3de59dbf3de5912 is summoned forth, a testament to the arcane craftsmanship and cryptographic mastery underlying the issuance of $RUSH tokens.

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