🔯Runeshash Testnet

Access the Testnet Environment:

Launch the Runeshash DApp and ensure that you're connected to the Testnet environment. Look for options to switch to the Testnet mode, where you can experiment with the platform's features in a simulated blockchain network.

Explore Token Creation:

Delve into the token creation process by experimenting with the issuance of test tokens. Utilize the Testnet environment to mint synthetic assets, allocate them to designated addresses, and explore various etching methodologies such as fixed cap and fair minting.

Utilize Rune Explorer:

Familiarize yourself with the Rune Explorer tool to traverse through transaction records, manage token assets, and gain insights into blockchain data structures. Analyze transactional data and explore smart contract interactions to deepen your understanding of blockchain mechanics.

Engage with the Marketplace:

Immerse yourself in the decentralized marketplace by listing synthetic tokens for exchange. Experiment with listing protocols, execute test transactions, and delve into liquidity provision strategies to comprehend market dynamics within the Testnet ecosystem.

Interact with Smart Contracts:

Engage with deployed smart contracts on the Testnet to comprehend their functionalities and assess their performance. Experiment with contract invocations, parameter configurations, and event monitoring to grasp the intricacies of decentralized applications (DApps) running on the Runeshash platform.

Participate in Community Testing:

Engage in community-driven testing initiatives to collaborate with fellow developers and blockchain enthusiasts. Participate in bug bounties, hackathons, and developer forums to share insights, exchange ideas, and contribute to the continuous improvement of the Runeshash Testnet environment

Last updated